Sports Performance Analysis & Rotation Management Software
Get Started
To quickly get started go to the Applications Launchpad to access the TeamOppy Sports apps.
Key performance indicators
The Tagger application enables you to tag events along with the event position (x,y) as they occur in the game and view the results in the Dashboard and Player Data pages.
Add a video source to Tagger. Each event that you tag will be associated with a clip of the event. This will allow players and coaches to quickly view the video of specific events.
The Tagger application is fully customisable. It comes with a number of system defined sport configurations that you can easily modify. You can even add and configure your own sport!
Video Timeline
The Clips Timeline is a great way to quickly find clips of events that you want to review.
Graphics and Text
Add graphics and text overlay to the clip to highlight specific things in the clip, pause for a configurable number of seconds, then resume the clip.
Share the clips with your team members using a couple of simple options.
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